Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nature => diversity:

I see nature as a mirror of the life we live. It is just vast, everywhere, some known horizons & many unknown. So does the culture & boundaries between the people & the countries.
Like a tree's branch, humanity has spread itself in multiple directions making it colorful, but equally complex. Caught in between these branches are the varying intensity of the dreams of a million people.

Inspite of all these variations, one divine force caters its resources faithfully to keep everyone alive with spirit - NATURE


Neelima said...

The snap is too and the mood left me speechless.

Cruz said...

thx...tats so nice of u to spend time goin thro my blog...

Cynthia said...

too goood!

Meow said...

bootiphooooool.... you know wat? I never get bored of your blog even for a moment... good one seriosuly..

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