On a normal day, I would have just neglected this frame...but with the snow forming a back drop, its hard to resist not to look through my viewfinder & you know what I will do next!
Located in centre of Minero park...beautiful place, some of the other snaps were taken there...wild squirrels were so curious that they were looking at my lens often within two feet, rabbits came out of their burrow to see me...Planning to go there after it snows again...
ஊன்றி நிற்கும் ஏணி அங்கே!
உயரம் போக என் தமிழன் எங்கே?
உணர்வுகளுக்கு உறக்கம் தராமல்,
தாய் நாட்டின் மேல் உள்ள பற்று குறையாமல்,
இனிமையான சில நினைவுகளுடன் திரும்பிவிட்டான் - இங்கிருந்து
beautiful..... seriously...
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