To walk across somthin like a rain forest when it is raining...such frames I had only imagined of!
Remember reading a phrase long back...
"I like walking in the rain because no one can see me crying"
These words can be from a wounded heart...felt that such an atmosphere can heal any wound...
It would have been perfect, had there been little more light - getting evenly distributed...I am glad that I am able to get some frames that can be put on my laptop as background, instead of putting some snap of an unknown professional photographer...
Wow and again those lines about rain are always beautiful and I agree that its melancholic and this pic will be the perfect desktop backgroud :) and I can imagine you going to office with your camera round your neck :) hehehe..
and this reminds me of Robert Frost's poems about woods :)
Yeah, I use only my snaps as my screen saver. Few of my colleagues hav them n lately couple of my clients here at office dropped by my cubicle to enquire abt the photos n they luvd 'em too.
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