I have all the while kept that thought away. Now am at a stage where its just practically impossible to neglect the fact that am into the time zone where, I have to wear a ring/ tie a knot/ say Khubool...but I also have the liberty to live my life, with just my shadow.
It's really a pain to see my friends families struggling to find a match for their son/ daughter. And here I am least bothered about it, but wondering what lies ahead of me. It's hard to say how lucky I would be, but I definitely know that she would be the luckiest.
Can't help thinking like - Will I let my partner know my blogs existence...what sort of interest she would have...will she like photography...and so many...
And am so keen to see to the movie 'Kites' looking at the trailer. Was impressed with the captions that is shown in the trailer:
In love -
there are no boundaries...
there are no rules...
there are no strings attached...
there are no languages...
...did not realise that I had touched 201 posts! Wonder how many got bored...and never came back to visit!
Was really glad when two of the well wishing friends from here bothered to check how I was, during my long absence. Am getting better...and back in Canada. But my usage of keys in laptop would be lesser than usual.
Back with a Bang! :) :)
...and good luck to your gal hunting :) :)
:) Congrats for reaching that double century.. I know am checking your space very late.. I am very sorry... and btw yeah the frame speaks a lot...
I am sure the gal will be the luckiest... so wen we are gonna hear the wedding bells?? :)
Congrats dude on your 2nd century!!!
This is pic is so romantic & loving!! Nice one as usual!!! :)
My Travelogue, Thozhi-Mitr-Friend, Savoir-Faire
Enjoyed reading ur post....
Never get bored of reading your post! You dont know how I missed your pics ;) I wonder the same about my future right now I dont know where this is leading me... I'm in love but to be honest I'm not having to many hopes on it right now... (dark clouds still on me) and for our age... Young and prepared people well is a matter that makes you think dont you agree?
I send you kisses from my side of the world.. never forget of you ;)
Yup shalini, lets c wats in store 4 me...
Sowmi, somethin which i dont know...
Bhusha s it is.
Gld u lykd it Megha.
Neny, its a nice feelin to hear someone say tht my pics r being missed...ya v never know wat life throws at us. same from me, to your side of the world too. Wish everything goes well for everyone.
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